Say Goodbye to Skin Problems with Jamun

Say Goodbye to Skin Problems with Jamun

Jamun or java plum is a heavenly berry that most of us have fond childhood memories of tart purple juices dripping down our chins and leaving irremovable stains on our clothes. According to the Indian mythology, it is said that after exile Lord Rama had survived on jamun for a long period of time, its is also considered sacred to both Krishna and Ganesha, which is why it is referred to as 'the fruit of the Gods'. Rich in iron, potassium and vitamin C, jamun is known for its medicinal properties, which combat several ailments such as diabetes, diarrhea, heart disease, asthma and arthritis. The berry and its seed are also used in traditional medical practices in Ayurveda. Apart from the edible pleasures and medical properties, jamun offers several beauty benefits too: the seeds, leaf and bark powder of jamun tree is commonly used in several herbal formulations. Here are some beauty benefits of jamun and different ways to incorporate the fruit in your skincare routine. Jamun and Honey...
Rozhub Naturals - Aug 20, 2020
15 Surprising Benefits of Lemon Peel For Skin and Body Care

15 Surprising Benefits of Lemon Peel For Skin and Body Care

Benefits of Lemon peel include treats acne, works as a nail cleanser, acts as a natural deodorant, is an all-purpose cleaner, can be used as a sugar scrub, removes odor from hands, fire starter, microwave cleaner, can deodorize garbage disposals, removes rust stains, use as an air freshener, gets rid of ants, sanitizes your cutting board and removes age spots. 1. Treats Acne Lemon peels can be used to help treat acne. The free radicals play a significant role in the process of being able to help treat acne. What you will need: Lemon Peel and Juice Grater Coldwater Take one lemon and grate the outer cover. Squeeze the juice into a bowl and mix the lemon peel with it. Rub this mixture onto your skin, massage it for some time and leave it. After about 20 minutes, you need to wash it off with cold water. When using this...
Roz Hub - May 23, 2020
9 Aloe Vera Benefits for Face and Skin!

9 Aloe Vera Benefits for Face and Skin!

Aloe Vera, the modest houseplant is a ‘miracle,’ wonder plant, often hiding in plain sight. Having been around and used as a medicinal herb, it nourishes the body from the inside – it is rich in nutrients, aids in improving digestion and even boosts immunity. Aloe Vera can be used topically too, i.e., it’s gel can be used to enhance one’s skin, especially the face and the hair. However, before we get into the essential reasons and health benefits of Aloe Vera, let us first learn how to extract Aloe Vera gel directly from the plant – If you have an Aloe Vera plant at home, select its fatter leaves or stems and cut it from the base. Or you may pull the leaves from its bottom.  Be careful as the plant has thorns. Next, use a sharp knife to slice the thorns from the edge of each leaf. Then...
Roz Hub - May 23, 2020
6 Benefits of Hibiscus for Skin and Hair: Know from Dermatologist

6 Benefits of Hibiscus for Skin and Hair: Know from Dermatologist

Hibiscus, which is a common flowering plant, is known to have several benefits for skin and hair. However, it is important to understand that Hibiscus flowers can be used for skin care and the leaves of this plant can be used to promote hair growth. Interestingly, Hibiscus tea has many studies that support its role in the prevention of heart attacks, as discussed in this Hibiscus tea might help to keep your heart attack at bay.   Read further to know the 6 skin and hair benefits of Hibiscus in details and how to use the leaves and flowers of this plant for skin and hair care! 1.Anti-aging: Hibiscus is rich in anti-oxidants that help in reversing the damage caused by UV rays, dust, pollutants, and diseases, etc. on your skin. The anti-oxidant and cancer prevention action of Hibiscus has been demonstrated in this study on mice skin. Another study reported that gentisic acid content of hibiscus can prevent tumour formation owing...
Roz Hub - May 23, 2020
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Say Goodbye to Skin Problems with Jamun

Say Goodbye to Skin Problems with Jamun

Jamun or java plum is a heavenly berry that most of us have fond childhood memories of tart purple...
Aug 20, 2020
15 Surprising Benefits of Lemon Peel For Skin and Body Care

15 Surprising Benefits of Lemon Peel For Skin and Body Care

Benefits of Lemon peel include treats acne, works as a nail cleanser, acts as a natural deodorant, is...
May 23, 2020
9 Aloe Vera Benefits for Face and Skin!

9 Aloe Vera Benefits for Face and Skin!

Aloe Vera, the modest houseplant is a ‘miracle,’ wonder plant, often hiding in plain sight. Having been around...
May 23, 2020
6 Benefits of Hibiscus for Skin and Hair: Know from Dermatologist

6 Benefits of Hibiscus for Skin and Hair: Know from Dermatologist

Hibiscus, which is a common flowering plant, is known to have several benefits for skin and hair. However,...
May 23, 2020